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Partner Details
Test Rack Inc

TestRack is a corporation based in Florida that markets electrical test equipment and accessories. Primarily a manufacturers representative and also a national distributor. The company was started by Richard Muro in January 2005. TestRack was formed to benefit both customers and manufacturers by offering quality equipment, training, demonstrations and support. TestRack uses educated sales engineers who develop a close professional relationship with customers. Our Sales professionals each have extensive experience and background knowledge of Test and Measurement equipment and systems. We will advise the absolute best way to perform a task and get the best value for their dollar, even if it means recommending a product we do not sell. This is how we build trust from our customers.
Spécialisation du produit
EA-BT 20000 Battery Testers, EA Elektro-Automatik 10000 Series Programmable Power Supplies, EA Elektro-Automatik 10000 Series Bidirectional Power Supplies, EA Elektro-Automatik 10000 Series Regenerative Electronic Loads, EA Elektro-Automatik Autoranging Bench Power Supplies, EA Elektro-Automatik Bench Electronic Loads
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- Téléphone:941-720-0673
Pays de commercialisation
United States
Localisation des centres
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